For quite some time now, more and more people have turned their backs on mainstream media. While some of these people rarely, if ever, find out what is going on, there are others who are now looking to the alternative media for answers.

However, with what is currently happening, there has been an increase in the number of people turning to legacy media for information. This could be mainly attributed to there having been an increase in fear on planet earth and as a result of this there has been an increased need to know what is going on.

A good moment

Thanks to what’s going on, then, this source has gotten a lot more attention than it otherwise would have. Not only that, it has also been easier than usual for this source to influence the public.

The reason for this is that when someone experiences a lot of fear, the thinking part of their brain is not going to be very effective. In fact, this part of them might be completely offline.


Someone can hear something and it will go straight to your mind. It will be a bit like their mouths are open and they swallow anything you put in their mouths.

What this will do is cause them to consume things that are not good for them. In the same way, accepting everything that comes out of this source will not do you any good either.

Out of balance

Now, as this source is very unbalanced when it comes to what it focuses on, it can be normal for someone to feel depressed and helpless after reading the news. Once you are no longer focused on this source, your internal state may change.

On the other hand, this internal feeling of pessimism could stay with them, preventing them from being able to experience internal change. However, it would be an oversight to say that this source will only define how one feels.

one step further

What this source will also do is have an effect on how one perceives the world they live in. This means that it is simply not possible for someone to pay attention to what comes out of this source and not shape their reality.

How they perceive reality will end up affecting their behavior and their behavior will impact the world. So while the source may say that they are just ‘informing’ people, this is simply not the truth.

Mental control

Ultimately, what this source is doing, through its emotional news, is shaping one’s reality. What this source feeds into your mind will greatly influence what your experience on this earth will be like.

However, as this source claims that he is just ‘informing’ people about what is going on in the world, it can be difficult for them to see what is going on. So it will not be that this source is creating your experience on this earth, it will simply be that your experience on this earth matches what the mainstream media has been telling you.

going deeper

What this emphasizes is that one is not simply an observer of their reality; they are actively playing apart in their experience. Naturally, it is much easier to control someone, and the citizenry as a whole, if they see themselves as simple observers of their life.

They will believe that they have no effect on what is happening ‘out there’, which will make them live in fear and look for someone to save them. Being so, it will not be a surprise if they see themselves as a helpless victim.

the great deception

Without knowing it, one will be using their creative energy to feed and sustain the very reality that is presented by the mainstream media. When it comes to how they are doing this, it will be due to what is going on in their conscious and unconscious mind, as well as how they behave.

But, as their ego-mind will make them see themselves as separate from everyone and everything, one might end up dismissing this view. The only way they will be able to accept it is if they can step back into this part of themselves and see that it is an illusion.

the collective field

Your creative energy and the creative energy of others, who are connected to this source of information, will co-create a certain reality. Physically you will be separate from each other, but regardless of what is occurring on a physical level, there will be no separation.

When it comes to creating another reality for themselves and the planet as a whole, the key will be that they no longer feed off the reality that the mainstream media wants them to maintain. If you want to ‘rebel’ against the system, this is probably the most effective way to do it.

final thoughts

One way of looking at the current era would be to say that it is a time when more and more people are realizing that they are not just passive observers of reality and that they have a constant impact on their lives and on the planet. And, as more and more people realize this and heal their own internal wounds, the greater the external change will be.

As opposed to trying to change what is happening ‘out there’, this work can be seen as quiet work. When undertaking this work, one will not resist or fight against anyone and will not receive any reward.