There is no denying that there is a huge demand for penis enhancement products these days. Did you know that millions of dollars are spent on some male enhancement products every day? On top of that, hundreds of men undergo surgical procedures just to permanently enlarge their small penises. You see, most men are willing to spend a lot and suffer pain just to have a bigger, thicker and longer manhood. The size of the penis is really important because it affects not only the lives of the guys but also their partners in bed. If a man has a small penis, his partners often ridicule him. He can’t date the girl of his dreams simply because he’s too embarrassed to ask her out in the first place. His little gun makes him feel insecure and inferior to other men.

If you have the same problem, then there is nothing to worry about because you can still improve your size permanently. Here are some tips that will surely help you on that path.

Avoid strapping with weights

If you are thinking that strapping with weights can improve your size, you better think again. This method is totally dangerous because there is a risk of damaging your penis. You see, hanging weights on your precious organ for several hours a day can lead to injuries like blisters, scars, bruises, and more. Also, this device including pumps and extenders are useless. They cannot make the penis grow an inch longer.

Avoid Surgery

If you value your safety, never consider undergoing any surgical procedure just to enhance your penis. You see, just like any other type of surgery, penis surgery is also very risky. Balloons are inserted into the chambers of the penis, fat cells and skin tissues are transplanted into the penis, or ligaments are cut to make the penis protrude. The stakes are too high, and if something goes terribly wrong, it would be very difficult to correct it.

Exercise your penis

This method has been around for centuries and millions of men have benefited from it. Experts would certainly agree that manual exercises are the safest and most effective male enlarger. With exercises, the penile chambers expand and blood flow improves naturally, so there is no need to fear side effects. In just 8 weeks of regular exercise, you will notice growth of up to 4 more inches!