Overfunded government programs pervert whatever cause it undertakes by producing a government-backed industry whose purpose is to grow and feed itself for power, control, and money at the expense of freedom, individual rights, productivity, and most especially freedom. truth.

This article shows how feminist-instigated ‘abusive men’ fraud has followed the 4-stage progression towards a government-supported tyranny against fathers by spawning its industry of divorce and domestic violence.

I present the 4 stages

of the progression and explain the essential actions that took place in each one.

* Stage 1: A cause for government funding is identified, based on some facts found:

The initial cause was instigated after finding some physically abused women who were generally isolated and seemed unable to leave their internal aggressor (called abuser) and refused to complain to authorities about the physical harm that had been done to them. . Funding was sought to facilitate government intervention to help the government intervene to protect battered women and prosecute their abuser.

Feminists quickly defined abuse as a “women’s issue” to access government programs that address existing women’s issues. Government money begins to flow.

* Stage 2: The cause spreads as a crisis for urgent solutions and government funding, based on distorted projections of few facts:

Feminist ideology seeks to attribute abuse to women as a result of men’s behavior and that women are necessarily victims of men and of a patriarchal family structure.

The nature of the abuse suffered by women under men expands far beyond the physical harm. Any controlling behavior, psychological innuendo, even “using logic” in arguments is considered a form of male control and abuse. The nature of what abuse is becomes elastic along with the enormous amount of abuse that supposedly occurs.

The vast domestic relationship opportunities for male-female interactions are ripe for ‘encountering’ abusive male behaviors and victimized women, the latter often unaware of how they are being abused! Such possibilities justify a crisis of enormous proportions that requires more funding and government action.

* Stage 3: Both funding and crisis justified privileges instigate growing agency affiliations. More facts are sought in support of the cause while demanding crisis-justified privileges that deny the freedom and rights of others. Propaganda grows and a party line develops at the expense of facts and freedom:

Due to the propagandized inability of a growing class of victimized women to protect themselves from alleged male abuse, the government is called upon to instigate the removal of men from their homes, arrest them, without the long-standing due process of justifiable warrants. This begins with a denial of the individual rights of the accused, a denial of justified due process.

Simply saying that you are ‘afraid’ without substantial evidence is enough to guarantee a host of benefits for women, while the alleged ‘abuser’ is denied due process rights, their home and, in family court, their children. Accused men are jailed without trial unless they admit to being abusive.

Allegedly ‘abused’ women need shelters that in turn require government funding and shelter managers, not to mention an army of social workers. Feminists see the possibility of administering laws and rules to design a society as they see it by denying the fundamental rights of men and fathers under the guise of the safety of women and then the safety of children.

* Stage 4: The crisis-based government and affiliates form an incestuous complex wielding tyrannical control and power justified by the crisis. Propaganda becomes essential for the continuation and growth of primarily government funding. Facts are perverted to support the “party line” while opposing facts are suppressed. Those who oppose the party line are despised and vilified:

The alleged abuse crisis has instituted a woman’s privilege to report abuse simply by saying that she is “ scared, ” regardless of the facts, immediately generating benefits for her and the denial of due process rights to parents. and other men.

The domestic issues of divorce and paternity lawsuits are a government-controlled process that is ready to use the abusive privilege of women and reap large financial rewards at the expense of fathers, as well as to create families based on mothers devoid of the father’s rights, and a growing fatherless society.

The virtual assurance that family courts will deny eligible parents, who have never been shown to be abusive in any real sense, their right to directly raise their children and then impose extortion (child support) payments on them generates continuing benefits for the mothers, lawyers and the courts. staff, government collection agencies, social workers, and more.

The divorce and domestic violence industry explodes accordingly. It stands and grows on the basis of the denial of the parental rights of fit fathers, the propaganda of the abusive nature of men for both women and children, and the suppression of true abuses and the unjust denial of the most fundamental rights of the father.

* Exposing Fraud:

The facts include a growing fatherless society that is government induced and incentivized. Divorce is rampant and youth problems are exploding without parents guiding their children. Fathers are expelled from families on the whim of women in feminized courts. Thus, mothers are virtually guaranteed control of children and child extortion payments by unconstitutionally disenfranchised parents.