1. When housetraining puppies, it is very important to learn to predict when your puppy needs to eliminate. One way to predict when your pup needs to go to the bathroom on her is by observing her behavior outside just before he goes to the bathroom on her. Keep an eye out for warning signs so you can intercept him when you’re inside.

2. Spend as much time outside as possible, especially in nice weather so your pup can get used to going outside. Help him develop a taste for going outside on the sidewalk or in the dirt by taking him for a walk first thing in the morning, 15 to 20 minutes after each meal and drink, and just before bed.

3. When it’s time for your pup to relieve himself, go to a previously designated area and make sure you don’t leave until he eliminates.

4. Practice crate or paper training, unless you don’t mind taking your pup out every two hours. But, if you want to take it outside, keep an alarm near you and set it to a specific time to remind you.

5. Remember that your puppy knows nothing; it’s up to you to teach him. Be consistent with your training and be patient.

6. It is very important that you give your dog plenty of praise and rewards when house training puppies. Every time he does something right, praise him and reward him with a treat. This will let him know what he needs to keep doing to make you happy.

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