Are you a big fan of YouTube? If you’re like me, then you spend your days endlessly searching for the newest and funniest videos uploaded. Well, thanks to Apple’s iPhone, we video addicts already have our golden fleece. The iPhone allows us to enjoy videos wherever we are.

One of the best features that Apple is using to sell the iPhone is its ability to watch videos online through YouTube. This allows owners to watch any video they want from a library of millions with a constant stream of new videos being uploaded every day. The great thing about the iPhone is that users can explore all of these new and old video favorites without having to learn a whole new search process on the iPhone’s easy-to-use platform.

Here’s a quick and easy tutorial on how to watch these videos:

  • To get started, tap or tap on the “YouTube” icon on your iPhone’s home screen. The icon should look like a small TV on your screen. Tapping this takes you to the YouTube home page.
  • Once you’re on YouTube’s main page, look for the “Search” button to get started. A common mistake that most novice iPhone users make is when they type keywords; they forget to lightly touch the space for keywords. There has to be contact with the keyword field or you’re typing a lot for nothing.
  • Use specific or broad keywords to find new videos on the YouTube site. The virtual keyboard makes it quite easy to type words that can help you locate any specific video you want.
  • Now that you’re on the “Search Results” page, highlight the icon labeled “Video” for a YouTube result that might work for your search query. To access the video, use your index finger to press the icon. Any information accompanying the video will be displayed.
  • Start the quick play options by tapping the “Play” icon for the selected video. It will be centered at the bottom of the screen. You can also skip other viewing options to go directly to the video.
  • By touching the space outside the main video screen, you can access the YouTube and iPhone video tools. Tools like “Rewind” and “Fast Forward” let you watch the video at your own pace. There is also a slider bar that allows you to choose any point in the video to start or return to.
  • The iPhone also allows you to create your own icons and video toolbar with the “Edit” tool. This feature is found by clicking the “More” icon at the top of the phone.