Using bee pollen for bodybuilding is a great way to build muscle and get good nutrition at the same time. That’s because this pollen is an incredible nutritional powerhouse that, in terms of calories, has twice the protein of beef.

Why are bodybuilders interested in protein?

Human beings require protein for the maintenance and growth of the body and as such are the building blocks of the body.

The amino acids contained in protein are essential as we need 20 amino acids to function, 11 of which are non-essential and can be synthesized by the body, and 9 of which are essential and can only be obtained from food.

From a bodybuilder’s point of view, protein is very important as while we all need protein on a daily basis, bodybuilders and athletes need much more than sedentary people.

They will eat a high protein diet as part of their training, as they need to build new tissue, including muscle, and also to repair damaged tissue caused by that training.

The benefits of this pollen are many and varied and are of interest to everyone who is interested in being fit and healthy.

It contains all the nutrients necessary for good health, such as vitamins A, B, including the B complex and B12, C and D. All the recognized minerals are also present, such as iron, calcium, zinc, copper, manganese, magnesium and potassium.

It is also an excellent source of BCAA (Branched Chain) Amino Acids which can be directly absorbed by the muscles and which are of particular interest to bodybuilders.

Pollen also controls metabolism, which in turn controls weight and appetite and this will ensure that bodybuilders do not have excess fat caused by their protein intake.

Some additional benefits that are also beneficial for bodybuilders are increased energy and stamina, a strengthened immune system, and increased fertility.

As you can see, this superfood is a great, natural way to get the kind of benefits bodybuilders seek in their quest to build muscle while staying fit and healthy at the same time.

Bee Pollen Muscle Building Supplements

This pollen can be taken as granules or in supplement form. Supplements are the easiest way to get these benefits, as they are made in such a way that they are easily absorbed.

However, there are many supplements that are not all that they claim to be, do not include the ingredients listed on the label, or are created with contaminated pollen.

We use a supplier in New Zealand who manufacture to pharmaceutical GMP standards and who provide purity test certificates. In this way we use our pollen supplements with a clear mind and achieve a general feeling of energy and well-being.