Small Business Owners: The Building Blocks to Increase Profits

The building blocks of any business are Processes (procedures/policies), People (employees), Customers, and Resources (ideas/capital). Leaders, who strengthen and understand each of these blocks, build their business. Those who weaken or neglect these building blocks find declines in both their top and bottom lines. Believe it or not, organizations can sometimes forget that creating and […]

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Everything you need to know about the WhatsApp messaging app

Instant messaging, often abbreviated to simply “IM” or “IMing”, is the exchange of text messages via a software application in real time. Instant messaging differs from ordinary email in the immediacy of the message exchange, and it also makes an ongoing exchange simpler than sending and receiving email. Most exchanges are text-only, although popular services […]

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Create a people-centric marketing approach with effective digital marketing services

Digital media is ubiquitous today, and customers have access to information anytime, anywhere. Whether it is for shopping, news, entertainment or social interaction, consumers are now exposed to a wide variety of information and therefore companies need to expand their digital marketing services to retain customer attention. Managing customer relationships across various digital channels is […]

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