Generate Leads and Keep Your Sales Pipeline Full

The sales pipeline is the lifeblood of every business. When you don’t have a steady stream of new leads, it can feel like an uphill battle to meet your sales goals.

Fortunately, there are plenty of free ways to generate leads and keep your sales funnel full. You just have to know what they are and how to use them.

One of the most overlooked ways to generate leads is to leverage your existing network. You probably have a large number of potential customers, current customers, or even people who are interested in your business in your existing network. Leveraging those relationships to generate sales leads is one of the best things you can do.

For example, if you offer a tutoring service, reach out to school teachers by email and social media (such as Tik-Tok) and ask them for referrals. Similarly, create web content targeted at different points in the buyer’s journey. For example, if someone is researching how to prepare for the SAT or ACT, you can send them a link to a free study guide and an easy-to-fill-out form that automatically adds their information to your Mailchimp list.

Lead Generation

Another great way to generate sales leads is by attending industry events. These can be networking events or workshops that help your target audience advance in their careers. If you are hosting an event, consider offering a giveaway item in exchange for attendees’ contact information. This is an effective strategy to help you build your email list and convert website visitors into qualified leads.

Free Ways to Generate Leads and Keep Your Sales Pipeline Full

Finally, don’t forget the power of remarketing. Remarketing is a powerful tool to help you turn bouncers into leads and abandoners into customers. It’s an easy way to extend the reach of your online campaigns and help you get more out of your paid advertising spend.

Acquiring potential customers

A final tip is to make sure your marketing and sales teams are working together to drive lead generation. Sales often have unique insight into what works to move a prospect along the sales funnel, so make sure they are involved early and often in your marketing efforts.

Ultimately, generating sales leads is all about finding the right mix of strategies that work for your business. The more you experiment, the better chance you have of discovering what works best for you.

Generating sales leads

If you can find a combination of free and paid tactics that produce consistent results, your sales team will have no trouble keeping their funnels full.

So what are you waiting for? Start trying out some of these proven methods today and watch your lead count grow. And don’t forget to sign up for a free trial of AnyWho, the easy-to-use tool that makes it easy to generate leads and manage your sales funnel. We think you’ll love it!