Here are some relationship breakup tips that will quickly put you on the path to a successful reunion!

I’m sorry you’re going through this difficult time… I know how it feels to feel rejected by the person you love. Sleepless nights, always thinking about them, wondering if they’re seeing someone else. They say that the pain of a breakup is similar to what a person feels when a loved one dies.

But don’t lose hope! Every day couples save their relationships. I could do it and so can you!

WORD OF CAUTION: Beware of well-intentioned advice from family and friends. Yes, they mean well, but how qualified are they to give good relationship advice?

Have a plan. Your relationship with your partner is a VERY important part of your life. Like anything important in life, you must have a well thought out plan. Saving your relationship takes smart planning using methods that are proven to work!

Tips for breaking up relationships… what not to do!

Don’t throw yourself at your ex and beg him to take you back. Any kind of behavior that seems desperate or overly needy will backfire on you.

I know you are afraid of losing your loved one forever. But this fear is what will cause you to behave in ways you normally wouldn’t. You have to be careful what you say and do when you’re in this mood.

You see, when you put too much pressure on your ex, their natural response will be to withdraw and lose interest in getting back together with you. Almost everyone reacts this way when pressured.