Today, one of my regular patients (who submits her dreams for professional dream translation and psychotherapy) asked me a question that inspired me to write an article about the certainty you can feel when you translate the meaning of dreams based on the scientific method. of the dream interpretation. These translations are not based on assumptions. They really help you understand the unconscious words in your dreams.

This patient is also studying the language of dreams. She already knows the basic meaning of dreams, but she has a mental illness. That’s why she needs my help.

Let me first of all post a sentence from his last dream and my translations:

‘I was trying to clean up and I was worried about making enough money to move’

Dream Translation:

When you are cleaning you are removing immorality from a certain place.

Money in dreams represents emotion, enthusiasm, psychological energy.

Your ego was trying to remove immorality from the place of anti-conscience in your psyche because you wanted to find enough enthusiasm to get out.

In other words, your ego is trying to make what is immoral seem ‘right’ and move on to another case, with another man. This would be catastrophic for you and your partner. Be careful with your superficiality and your anti-conscience.

Anti-consciousness is our wild consciousness, which breeds mental illness within our human consciousness. Basically, all dreams show dreamers how much and how their anti-conscience influences their behavior. Dreams also show all dreamers what to do to stop being influenced by their anti-conscience and find good mental health, peace and happiness.

My patient asked me:

‘Why couldn’t cleaning my mother’s house mean that I want to remove the rubbish from where my fight against conscience is instead of making things appear to be okay?’

Here is my answer:

The meaning of the dream symbols is given by the dream producer; the unconscious mind. Carl Jung and I had a lot of trouble trying to figure out the meaning the unconscious mind gives to the images it uses to send us important messages.

The unconscious mind decided that anything dirty in a dream represents immorality. So, we have to respect the meaning given by the unconscious mind. Every time you clean what is dirty you are removing immorality from there.

Your ego was trying to eliminate the immorality there and pretend there was no immorality in the betrayal. However, if you betray your partner you are immoral.

The unconscious mind has a divine origin and undoubted wisdom. You can also verify that scientific dream translations reflect words of wisdom that do not come from the mind of the dream translator. Scientific translations follow dream logic (the logic followed by the unconscious mind that produces our dreams) and not the logic of our ignorant human consciousness.

The unconscious logic is based on wisdom and holiness. The unconscious is a very serious and sad doctor that helps us eliminate our wicked and absurd anti-conscience, so that we learn to find peace and happiness instead of being violent, indifferent and cruel.

Let me analyze the details of this dream scene:

‘I was trying to clean up and I was worried about making enough money to move’

Here is the dreamer’s question again:

‘Why couldn’t cleaning my mother’s house mean that I want to remove the rubbish from where my fight against conscience is instead of making things appear to be okay?’

The dreamer tries to give this dream scene a meaning based on the logic of her consciousness, without following the unconscious logic.

Logically, the meaning of ‘clean’ could be translated as the intention to remove garbage from some place if we followed the logic of our conscience.

However, when you clean a certain place in a dream, you clean what is dirty. Whatever is dirty in dreams represents immorality because this is the meaning that the unconscious mind gives to this dream symbol. The unconscious mind decided that this is the meaning of this word.

Carl Jung had to compare numerous dreams from different cases to figure out the meaning of the dream symbols, and I followed suit, doing exactly the same. I had to study and compare many dreams as he healed many people through dream therapy to find out the meaning of more dream symbols.

Discovering the meaning of the dream language was like discovering the meaning of an incomprehensible ancient language.

You are lucky that Carl Jung had the courage to do such arduous research and that I had the courage to continue his work. You have the privilege to find our discoveries ready and immediately use the knowledge we found after working so hard to your advantage.