Bulimia can affect the brain in a number of ways. First, it enslaves the care system. The longer you have bulimia, the more your attention system suffers. In some cases, people even drop out of school, colleges, quit good jobs, all because of their inability to maintain focus and focus on their work.

In bulimics, food overstimulates the centers of attention represented through the central nervous system. Abnormal activation creates a state of emergency that causes the sympathetic nervous system to kick in (fight and flight response) when people think about binge eating. As a result, the nervous system has to release more energy. The extra flow of energy in the human nervous system gives a feeling of relaxation or a floating sensation called a “high” during a binge.

When the binge ends, the victim soon runs out of energy and this causes a kind of hangover and a total depression of their attention factors, this is the state between bingeing. The swing from overflow to depression captures your attention completely and registers a shock in the central nervous system. That’s why bulimics have a hard time keeping their attention on anything other than eating and binging. Such repeated experiences create slavery to your attention and destroy your brain cells at the same time.

Second, on a physiological level, brain function can be affected as the patient does not have enough glucose, lipids, or other molecules that can be broken down for energy. Sometimes, in severe cases, the brain even begins to consume its own tissue for energy. That is why in the chronically ill the brain can shrink as a result of the breakdown of lipids in the brain for energy. This can result in serious brain damage.

These people feel lethargic, confused, powerless, and helpless. They may experience headaches, neck pain, back pain, and other uncomfortable sensations in their bodies. Often their aches and pains are psychosomatic rather than physical in origin.

The brain can also suffer due to the effects caused by electrolyte imbalances. When people purge, they lose an enormous amount of important chemicals (electrolytes), making brain function slow or even impossible depending on the total loss.

Third, on a psychological level, the brain is damaged by abnormal thought patterns, as the individual believes they are overweight when they are clearly very underweight or normal. Bulimics are also afraid of gaining weight. These abnormal thought patterns are so strong that they dominate all other thought processes. That’s why bulimics worry so much about food, weight, and body image.

To conclude, bulimia definitely changes the structure of the brain to an unhealthy level. It makes the brain think differently, work differently, function differently, and process information differently. The process of changing the brain is called neuroplasticity. Neuroplasticity can be bad, but it can be good, depending on how the victim chooses to use it.

If bulimics start using neuroplasticity in a positive way, they can reverse the damage caused by bulimia and return their brain to a healthy level. And not only that; they can make their brain work like a genius brain if they use neuroplasticity correctly.