The gyms are pretty deserted at Christmas. Everyone is so busy with preparations, parties, and people visiting that it’s hard to adjust to getting there, changing, and going through a routine as regularly as you would the rest of the year.

But don’t stop exercising altogether; you will have a much harder time getting back into the swing of things if you do. Make exercise part of the fun and stay active until it’s time to hit the gym again in January. You might enjoy the alternatives so much you’ll never go back!

1. Do less

Only do ten minutes if that’s all you can handle. Ten minutes of anything, walk around the house, climb stairs, skip or jump, anything that suits your fitness level and the equipment you have available at home. You can do it in the morning before taking a shower and it will give you energy for everything you have to do. If you can get in 10 minutes later too, so much the better. You’ll maintain your fitness levels and use some calories that you probably can use this time of year.

2. Take a class at home

Exercise videos are great if you don’t have a lot of time. You don’t have to go to the gym: you have everything you need at home. You can pick them up for next to nothing at charity shops or treat yourself to one or two for Christmas. And it doesn’t matter if you don’t know the moves or don’t have the latest fitness equipment, no one is watching!

3. Clean

There’s no doubt you have to prepare your house for visiting friends and family anyway, so exercise. Put a lot of energy into it! Clear out all that clutter, and then wipe, vacuum, and polish it all to a shine. You’ll be ready for guests, maintain your fitness levels, and use a few calories at the same time.

4. Active fun

If you have a lot of guests and can’t get your usual dose of exercise, throw in some active fun for everyone. They could all go bowling or rollerblading. Or try a game of charades or Twister. If it snows, you can go sledding or have a snowman building contest. At least take them all out for walks every day no matter what the weather. Surely there will be some lights to go see or a local carol service to attend.

5. Dance the night away

Don’t be a wallflower. Take advantage of every opportunity to dance at parties (it will also keep you away from the buffet table) or just ask your partner to dance during the holidays. You will have fun, you will get close and it will be a great exercise. Dancing consumes between 270 and 540 calories per hour depending on the speed.

6. Offer a helping hand

Stay active by volunteering in your community. You can help serve lunch at a homeless shelter or nursing home. Or just help your neighbors run errands and shovel snow. You’ll get a warm glow from both helping out and exercising, and you’ll feel so much better than after sitting around all afternoon watching “White Christmas” reruns.

7. Escape

And if all else fails, next year book a ski vacation for your Christmas break instead of staying at home. There’s a whole year to save (and to beat the lines when you tell your family you’re leaving next year!) Skiing is fantastic exercise and you’ll come back fit, invigorated and shed those extra pounds so many seem to pick up at Christmas .

Copyright 2005, Janice Elizabeth Small