If you don’t have a natural gift for cooking, it can seem daunting to even set foot in the kitchen, let alone try something new. However, even if his skills are rusty, there are some tricks of the trade that will help him make big strides.

Here are five…

1. PRESSURE The biggest obstacle you may have to overcome may be your own expectations. If you push yourself to reach a standard that you are not yet ready for. Likewise, don’t feel pressured to create world-class dishes for friends and family. Just have fun and your confidence will naturally rise along with your cooking skills.

2. RECIPES Look for inspiration in all available sources: TV shows, books, magazines, restaurants, friends and family, etc. Get recipes from everywhere you can and develop a true passion for food. Find dishes that you know you will like and try them.

3. INGREDIENTS Good food starts with the ingredients and the better they are, the more pleasant the food will taste. Sometimes the kitchen can be let down by poor ingredients and you will be disappointed in your efforts without knowing what was wrong.

4. KITCHEN Old kitchens sometimes do not work with the necessary precision, especially when it comes to temperatures. So if your cupcakes are burning, even though you followed the recipe and baking instructions to the letter, it might be time to update your kitchen. If that’s not an option, learn where the inaccuracies are and manage your kitchen accordingly. The best cooks adapt to their environment.

5. KITCHEN UTENSILS Just like your kitchen, you may want to update your cookware. If it no longer glows, it could be doing the dishes and doing a disservice. Quality cookware will give you more confidence in the kitchen and make cooking a more enjoyable experience. Like I said, it’s time to have fun!

If you’re reading to invest in a new cookware set, look for a good manufacturer. Meyer cookware, for example, might be just the set for you.