There has been a recent (and dramatic) increase in the availability of second generation “diet pills”, and the introduction of Phentramin seems to be trying to cash in on the trend. Make no mistake though, as Phentramin could be more than just fair a diet pill.

A diet pill, among other things, must be effective in achieving two key points:

  1. First, it must be effective, either directly or indirectly, in reducing your daily caloric intake. It’s no secret that you are what you eat, and if you’re a typical American resident, you probably don’t eat very well. Any diet pill you take must find a way to make you eat better; more realistic, however, is that any diet pill you take must find a way to make you eat less.
  1. Second, the diet pill must work steadily and consistently for the changes it has induced to be permanent; otherwise, you will simply regain the weight you have lost once you stop taking the pill. This result can manifest itself in many ways, although most diet pills work on the premise that you will change your eating habits. Unfortunately, most users don’t.

Phentramin operates on similar principles: its main function is to curb appetite, resulting in lower caloric intake. However, Phentramin also has a few other tricks up its sleeve.

Unlike many of its competitors, Phentramin offers a slight boost in energy and metabolic rate, and it does so without filling your body with caffeine. Many people will overlook this fact because they might decide not to. need more energy, but they often don’t realize the importance behind this simple addition to the product.

Before I explain it, I am going to go into detail about your body’s metabolism and why it is one of the most important components of your weight loss. Think of your metabolism like your car’s idle: the higher the idle, the more fuel you’ll burn, even if you’re just resting. Your body works the same way: the higher your metabolism, the more calories you burn, even if you’re sleeping, watching TV, or just standing.

By increasing your available energy levels without increasing your caloric intake, your body can burn more calories when at rest. Think of it like increasing your car’s idle speed. There are many ways to achieve this (for example, going for a run first thing in the morning), but Phentramin does this in combination with your appetite suppression. This becomes a double game for your body, as you are less hungry and therefore consume fewer calories, but you also burn more calories when you rest.