In today’s world, reality TV shows are popping up everywhere. To date, more than 70 reality shows have been produced according to a popular website. The popularity of these shows and their high viewership ratings have attracted the attention of many people and almost all television networks in the United States now broadcast some type of reality show.

A reality show has people from the real world instead of paid actors and actresses. These shows are supposed to portray real life situations and events that affect people’s lives. However, reality TV show contestants are sometimes willing to go out of their way and do things that they wouldn’t necessarily do in their normal lives, without the cameras following their every move.

Some reality TV contestants eat really disgusting and horrible weird things and perform life-threatening stunts in pursuit of monetary gain. Other participants are placed in a house and expected to live in harmony with totally strangers. These participants are often under a lot of pressure when their characters collide.

Thousands upon thousands of Americans watch reality television shows every day. For some people, these programs help them realize that their lives aren’t so bad after all. It helps them see that they are not the only ones with problems and dysfunctional families and lives.

Reality television shows have affected society in many different ways. Some audiences get hooked on these shows because they help them escape from their own real lives. The shows vary in theme and material and each show is designed to appeal to the widest possible audience. The larger the audience, the more money the shows will make.

Some Reality TV may not be as real as we would like to think. Take the case of the hated aspiring apprentice Omarosa, for example. According to an article in Time magazine, he may have been a victim of reality TV editors. Some reality TV shows are edited to be dramatic and some quotes can be fabricated. Showdowns and ugly feuds can be built between reality stars and some parts of shows can also be edited and cut entirely so that they are not the final show that people watch on TV. Some critics claim that reality shows are not that real and that these shows can be much more manipulative than we think.

According to a CNN poll, 57% of 1,016 adults believe that reality TV shows offer a distorted picture of events, while another 23% say the shows are “totally fake.” Pressure on television ratings pushes people to make the show more interesting.

When all is said and done, some people on reality shows say that they were misrepresented and that reality was removed from the show thus making the show pure entertainment. However, participants in these programs receive warnings and have to sign extensive and detailed legal waivers that protect the network from any liability if someone is injured in the program.

Increased demand for these reality TV shows is inevitable and participants will be forced to push their limits to get the bottom line. This happens to be ratings and entertainment.