If you’re not that good at seducing a woman, get ready for all that to change today. You will learn the only tips you need to know on how to give a woman oral sex and drive her crazy. You can become a cunnilingus master and make her body do things she never thought possible.

You’re going to learn how to perform oral sex on a woman and how to be the best she’s ever had. To make this happen, you are going to learn the best possible oral sex tips that will simply drive her crazy. It doesn’t take much to penetrate her the right way and make her scream your name. Find out how to make that happen now.

The first most important piece of advice in giving a woman oral sex is that you should take your time. Men often get overly aroused in the bedroom and this can lead to all sorts of problems. When you get too excited, you lose the sense of what you’re doing and start groping. You don’t want to do this for your wife. Even though you want to make her orgasm and feel like the faster you go the better, that’s not the case. Actually, the slower you go, the more control you have, so the better you please her and the faster you make her come.

After learning how to pace yourself, you’re now ready for the next big tip. To be the best she’s ever had, you have to use your whole mouth when you stimulate her. Too many men just use their tongues and they are missing out on a lot of potential. Your lips and your entire mouth combined have so much potential to please her that she can’t take it anymore. Instead of just licking it with your tongue, your lips can kiss it, blow it, and suck it. These are all forms of stimulation that you can only do with your mouth and that you must do for her or else you are making her miss out on receiving incredible pleasure.

The last oral sex tip for men to really wow you in the bedroom tonight is to give him penetration, too. Some women require penetration if they are going to orgasm orally, so you may need to give it to them. However, it’s a good idea to do it only to make sure you’re giving her the best possible pleasure. You can do this with your fingers, but to really give him what he wants then you should think about buying a sex toy that fits on your chin because it does the job in a much better way.

If you want to be the best she’s ever had when it comes to oral sex and blow men from her past out of the water, then use these oral sex tips on her tonight.