I use several models when consulting my clients, but by far my favorite is the “I CAN DO” model. I like it not only for its adaptability, it’s a pretty basic model but it’s flexible enough to work with all areas of your life. However, more than this, it is the mnemonic itself, what better phrase than “I CAN DO”? Just thinking about that statement puts you in a positive frame of mind and reassures you that with a little work you really can achieve whatever it is you set your mind to. This is a good frame of mind in which to start working on improving your life.

This is all well and good, but what does I CAN DO really mean and how can it help you?

‘I’ means to investigate; This means taking a look at all areas of your life, such as health, family, friends, wealth, spirituality, career, leisure, contribution to society, relationships, personal time, and anything else that matters to you. Write down where you are now, how much time you spend in each area in an average week, and where you would like to be in an ideal world. Often simply writing this will show a deficit in one or more areas of your life. This is probably the most important part of this model, so take your time on this. When I work with my clients, I usually send them this form and give them a week to complete it because it’s important that it be accurate and honest, so please take some time to think about it. Write it down once and then come back to it after a few days and go over it again. Do you still agree with what you said? Is there anything else you want to add?

Once you have completed this, you will have completed the first three parts of the I CAN DO model. As I already said, I stands for Investigate. C and A stands for current and targets. This means analyzing your current life situation and the goals you have for your life. Assuming you’ve completed the research thoroughly, then you’ll already have a breakdown of your current situation and set out the goals you have.

N, D and O represent number, date and result. How many ways can you think of to achieve your goals, when do you want to achieve them, and how will you know you have achieved them? The number of ways to achieve your goals can be a difficult question to answer, but think about when you or someone you know has faced a similar situation, what worked then? If you’re having trouble thinking of ways to reach your goal, do some research and ask around. Sometimes we get so stuck in a rut that it’s hard for us to see our way out, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t one!

So, for someone looking to increase time spent with their family, the I CAN DO model would work like this:

I: What is your reason for wanting to spend more time with your family?

C: How much time do you currently spend with your family?

A: Exactly how much time do you want to spend with them?

N: What are the successful ways to increase time with your family that you have experienced or heard about?

D: By what date do you want to have achieved an increase in your time with them?

Or: How will you know that you have been successful?

I CAN DO is a very basic model but at the same time it is very successful in several different areas of your life. Breaking it down into what each letter means gives you step-by-step instructions for achieving your goals, no matter what they are. The mnemonic itself puts you in the right frame of mind to start working on improving your life and gives you the confidence that you can actually achieve your goals.