What if you could network while you sleep or at work? Linked In allows you to connect online, complementing your existing online presence.

Word of mouth alone is ineffective unless you fuel it through means such as effective promotional materials, testimonials, and access to a large group of your potential customers. All of these items can be provided via Linked In and are free.

Tatsuya Nakagawa of Atomica Creative Group is a huge supporter of LinkedIn and he was the one who got me excited. Here are his top five reasons for using LinkedIn:

o Presence in networking 24 hours a day.

o You build relationships faster.

o Using the “six degrees of separation” theory, you could theoretically have access to hundreds of thousands of people through your existing contacts.

o Only get contacts from trusted sources.

o Linked in is also an effective contact management tool. (Contact information, business description and brief bio in an online database).

There are more than 60 social networking sites out there. He tested 11 of them and narrowed it down to 3, and is currently using 1. “Bottom line: Most sites are too social and non-commercial. However, there are some special interest group sites that are doing well.” With a free tool called “LinkedIn” (www.linkedin.com) you can market yourself and network 24/7. You can also contact Mr. Nakagawa at http://www.atomicacreative.com.

I joined this organization that we have been promoting for 8 months. I never really thought about the power of this trading tool. Until recently I read the book Cracking the Millionaire Code by Mark Victor Hansen and Robert Allen. They talked about codes and one of these codes is “Angel Code”. He was talking about people who can help us achieve our vision and mission. They also discussed the “small world phenomenon” and instead of using 6 degrees of separation, they reclassified the term to 6 degrees of connection.

This means that we are only 6 degrees from anyone in the world. This is the concept behind these online social networking tools. Although, one of my friends told me that in one of his workshops, there were only 50 participants and his discovery was that most of them are only 2 degrees away from Bill Gates or Ophrah. Amazing, right?!? He also told me that when you do 6th grade math you will surpass the population of the world… hmnn… mind blowing info. All I want to say is, isn’t it amazing how technology works? Lastly, your network is equal to your net worth.