Do handsome guys have to have as much play as normal-looking guys (or less than average-looking guys)? Does your appearance matter as much as you think?

If you’re like the vast majority of men in the Seduction Community, you may already have an opinion on this. Some say yes, others say no. But there is a test to see where you really are. Ask yourself: if a handsome “natural” without the participation of the Seduction Community began to tell you about his wild luck and profess that he is capable of showing any boy who does what he does … how would you respond?

You would possibly tell him to hit the bricks if you are not as handsome as he is.

One look at this guy will tell you he’s not your “average Joe.” As if his Harvard education weren’t enough, he has the kind of looks that will catch the eye of women without even opening his mouth to ask, “Who’s lying the most?” This is why many guys might tell you that Paul Janka’s Formula of Attraction e-book is a total misuse of money and time.

The truth is that Paul has probably never implemented that line because he is what you would call an “outsider” of the community. He invented his tactics without even taking a look at Mystery Method, Ross Jeffries, local seduction haunts, or seduction forums.

And this guy says he’s going to teach you how to pick up women?

Yes, at first I was skeptical too. But I’ve heard of guys who have been very successful with their stuff. I saw him in Doctor Phil training one of his students … a pretty average looking guy. For Pete’s sake, I’m more handsome, and I figured if it worked for that guy, it would work for me too. So I took your book.

From here on, things did not turn out as expected.

I knew that Paul Janka’s methods consist of super fast climbing and ejection. To begin with, I found it quite intimidating, and thought I would get a lot of advice to captivate my target with my looks and dazzle her with canned routines.

On the other hand, Paul’s emphasis is generally on the inside game. It’s about developing the right mindset before you even start approaching girls … and bringing the girl into your frame once you’ve hooked her.

Still, I had a hard time believing that this guy could really teach me something new about meeting women. He may have a very strong natural game, but how can a guy with so little involvement in the community have something new to say?

Turns out that is his greatest strength.

Simply because Paul Janka is coming in from outside the community, he offers a unique mindset and talks about things you wouldn’t otherwise think about. For example, there is a lot of talk about relationship management and, especially, managing multiple long-term relationships. Paul Janka, who has recently started a long-term relationship, certainly has something to say about it.

The relationship prevention process is something that is not normally approached as a strategy often: Forget the emotional complexity of keeping up with a harem … this is how you can date multiple women without giving them the impression that in the long run term the relationship will eventually develop.

But that’s, of course, an advantage of being an outsider like Paul Janka – you’re not thinking about the same rhythms that everyone else is thinking about. The Attraction Formula is packed with information and tips that you just won’t get anywhere else … it even has an entire section dedicated to organizing your dates according to girls’ menstrual cycles!

However, Paul Janka’s Attraction Formula is not for everyone, so I don’t want to give that impression.

One of the main weaknesses of the Janka method is that it is generally applied to daytime play in large cities. Janka is from New York, and her whole approach presupposes encountering a lot of women just hanging out and out. That is not going to happen in a small town or in the suburbs.

Making rounds in a club or bar and collecting as many numbers as you can while using your ultra-fast five minute tactics and then kicking out is likely to reflect poorly on you, so this routine is preferably suitable for crowded city streets. . running from one place to another. Also, they are not likely to meet again … so there is no prospect of future discomfort.

There is a steep learning curve here and even advanced players will likely struggle at first. It would be difficult to say that this method is one of the easiest to master. Paul Janka’s game assumes a certain amount of skill in opening, climbing, and basic conversation … otherwise, there is simply no way to extract digits that fast.

Basically, you should probably look elsewhere unless you’re 100% dedicated to perfecting an ultra-fast method of getting numbers and dates for the day.

But if you’re not afraid to try something a little different, you might be surprised how fast and effective this “outsider” method really is!