No doubt you have seen many websites that talk about the different personalities of puppies and the fact that some dogs are this and other dogs are that. Surely you don’t believe in the ideas that all puppies have different traits and ways of thinking and that they are unique? If one breed of dog likes to fetch, then all breeds must like to fetch. If a dog is going to dig up your garden, then it is better to stay away from all dogs because they are sure to uproot your roses by their roots.

Have you ever seen the dog who loves taking your clothes off the clothesline and neatly stacking them on the only patch of your yard that’s muddy and lacking grass? If one dog likes to sit on your lap, they all love to sit on your lap. There is no difference between the puppy personalities of a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and a Border Collie. They both like to do the same things and they both behave the same way…they just look different, right?

Maybe not. What do you mean maybe not? A dog is a dog, they have four legs and they bark, and they are all the same, right? It would seem that a lot of people believe that, but surely you wouldn’t, would you?

You know that some dogs like to get up early and are jumping around all day, while others don’t even lift an eyelid before the sun really shines. So if there are truly different puppy personalities, why would people continue to buy dogs with less research than they would on their next car purchase? Many dogs will live with you longer than your next car will, these days it seems like a good idea to upgrade your car at least every 5 years.

Perhaps people don’t pay as much attention to the benefits of owning a dog as they do to owning a car? Maybe if your car could show you unconditional love and lick you to death, it would make more sense. In our experience, the greatest love our car has shown us is getting us to work without breaking down. The closest our car has come to licking us to death is when we make the windshield wipers dry the windshield.

  • Your pup will wag its tail as soon as you see it almost every time.
  • Your new friend will follow you wherever you go, not because he wants anything from you, but simply because he loves your company.
  • Whatever you want to do, your dog will do it with you for hours. Play fetch, go for a run, ride a bike, go to the park.
  • With your permission, your dog can come in and sit on the couch with you while you read a book or watch TV. You can take care of your puppy while you sleep or lie down next to them chatting quietly.
  • Your new puppy will show unconditional love no matter what. If he is disappointed in them, they will do their best to show him that they are sorry. If he accidentally forgets them, they will be happy to see them next time. If you neglect them, they will let you know and show even more love to get your attention.
  • Obviously, buying a car is a must for you in most circumstances. Although your car does not show you any affection or greet you when you see it, having one is essential for many people. Just as having a dog can be essential for you. The benefits of owning a dog are huge and can really change your life for the better, so don’t you think it’s worth giving some thought to which dog to choose?

    As you think about your important decision to buy a puppy, you may want to take some time to research what the benefits are. Some breeds have different benefits than others, so it’s a good idea to look at the breeds and find out which ones meet what you want from your adorable new pup. No doubt you have thought so much about his car that he has less time than his new family member.