You are all aware of the harmful effects of smoking on our health, the environment and others. Smoking is harmful to each and every organ in the body. In simple words, we can say that smokers are close to the death stage. Nicotine is a highly addictive drug found in tobacco. Intake of this medicine stops the growth of your body and causes various diseases.

Smoking causes ulcers, strokes, cancer of the mouth and throat, cancer of the larynx, various heart diseases, lung diseases, bladder and cervical cancer. Therefore, it becomes very important to give up this bad habit. Quitting this bad habit will reduce your risk of disease and improve your health.

Leaving clothes smoking is not an easy job but it can be done. The choice is yours about how you want to quit, what kind of help you need, which option you want to choose, and where to go for help. After 2-3 tries, you can successfully kick this habit. Every time you try to quit smoking, you get to know the good and bad situations.

First of all, you need to make up your mind and change your close environment. Throw out all cigarettes and ashtrays from your workplace, car, and home. Your family, friends can also help you achieve it. Don’t let anyone smoke around you. You can also follow the advice of your health care provider. Stay busy and get adequate rest. There are many medication programs that help you quit smoking and decrease your urge to smoke.

Quitting this habit results in proper development of your body, decreases the risk of developing diseases, increases your learning and work capacity, and halves the risk of dying. You will find the following symptoms that may exist for a few days after you quit smoking: fainting, depression, nervousness, trouble sleeping, agitation, headache, and drowsiness.