Updating the ancient wisdom teachings

Sri Aurobindo “Age of Aquarius”

We are very fortunate to live in a time called the “Age of Aquarius.” We have been given a set of Laws, “The Laws of Quantum Physics”, which allow us to understand and explain how the Universe and the Mind of God work.

The great teachers, philosophers and gurus of the past lived under two great difficulties. First, the wisdom they had to share with humanity was frowned upon by the religious, political, and government bodies of their countries.

Light-bringing pioneers are always in danger from “authorities” who want to keep things in the status quo, as well as keep things under “control”.

Unfortunately for them, the only constant in the Universe is CHANGE. And while they can delay and even punish the Lightbringers, their reign of “controlled terror” will come to the end of their cycle.

The second problem Sri Aurobindo faced was language. He didn’t have the beautiful, easy-to-understand scientific language of Quantum Physics. He had to use metaphors, parables, and flowery language to get people’s attention and to ward off authorities.

When we read his writings we can see the Laws of Quantum Physics hidden in his words. I’ll put “his” words in quotes.

“A new world is being born. We are currently right in the middle of a transition period in which the two mingle. The old world persists. It is all-powerful, it continues to dominate ordinary consciousness. The new one creeps in quietly, very timidly, unnoticed to the extent that externally it changes little for the moment. And yet it works, it grows, until one day it will be strong enough to visibly assert itself.”

Sri Aurobindo (1872 – 1950) knew about the changing of the Ages. From the Age of Pisces (the last 2,000 years) to the Age of Aquarius (the next 2,000 years).

He also knew that all the structures of the Age of Pisces, Religion, Military, large corporations controlled by fear were still powerful enough to keep moving forward; even if he is dying. Your momentum will do this. If you shoot a dangerous charging buffalo and kill it with one shot, its momentum will keep it charging for another 100 feet or so. Dying but still dangerous, it is the Age of Pisces.

On the other hand, the Divine Blueprints for the new structures to be used for the Age of Aquarius are contained within the Quantum Ocean, the Mind of God. When they receive enough attention, they will reach critical mass and “pop out” of the Quantum Ocean and into physical reality.

“The huge spiritual shell under which we have buried the spirit is our biggest problem”

The Quantum Ocean, the Mind of God has a divine schedule that no physical power can stop or alter. The Universe “blinked” from the Quantum Ocean with its Galaxies, Solar Systems and Planets, and will appear again.

Our Solar System has its own destiny and purpose and spirals around our Galactic Sun in the time of a Cosmic Clock. We have just left the Age of Pisces and are now entering the Age of Aquarius.

All the energy and structures and forces and forms that man needs to help him with his evolutionary journey are in the Quantum Ocean. They are the Divine Blueprints that we must use as a guide. Unfortunately, for the last 2,000 years, man has built an energetic infrastructure between the Divine Planes and the Reality of our physical Universe.

They will distort the energies of the Age of Aquarius as well as fill the minds of men with continuous misinformation as to the spiritual Reality of the Universe.

“The way back is a spiral. A new curve to take in the Eternal Becoming”.

No matter what we do or don’t do, our Solar System will continue on its spiral journey around the Galaxy. Our Solar System will fulfill its destiny, with or without that film of organic life on Planet Earth called “man.”

It’s up to us to find our way back.