Have you ever wondered why sometimes unexpected and very important things happen to you? Like when you remember an old friend you haven’t thought of in over a year and then that friend contacts you for no apparent reason? Or when you wake up and look at the clock at 3:33 am for several nights? Or when you just know the outcome of a game and you’re right?

These unusual events are called synchronicities. They are an important aspect of our lives and, once learned and noted, can occur frequently as they gently guide us along our Divine Paths. When appreciated, these events multiply and make life so much fun.

In his book The Divine Matrix, Gregg Braden writes: “The Divine Matrix is ​​the web that forms the fabric of the universe. Of the many ways we could define the Divine Matrix, perhaps the simplest is to think of it as three things basic: (1) the container for the universe to exist within; (2) the bridge between our inner and outer worlds; and (3) the mirror that reflects our everyday thoughts, feelings, emotions and beliefs”.

It is important to understand this matrix that connects all things in order to understand the principle of synchronicity. It is as a result of our interconnectedness with each other and with the Universe that synchronous events can occur.

In Frank Joseph’s book, Synchronicity & You, he provides a description of different types of meaningful coincidences. His book discusses the incidence of synchronicity with the following:
















16. MOIRA [Higher Calling]


I consider synchronicity as a pat on the back from the Universe, as a greeting or a good job from my angels and spirit guides. It keeps me in tune with my Inner Being and reflects my daily intentions of joy and peace. When I feel low on energy and a synchronicity arises, I feel loving support and my energy is immediately reinforced.

This comes from having a generally positive outlook on life. I am aware of the Universal Law of Attraction that states like attracts like, so when I feel out of tune, I know to ask my guides for help in shifting my energy so I don’t attract what I don’t want. It took me many years to undo the false belief system I inherited as a child, and now I feel truly blessed and happy every day. If you want to improve your life and live synchronously, read on. The door is open for you and for everyone.

If you want to change your life, improve it, feel happier and healthier every day, then the first step is to recognize that you are looking for something greater in your life. The second step is to commit to doing something about it. This is your life and also your choice, no one else can make your life different, only you can. The change in your life will start with a change from within.

How do you increase synchronicity in your life? Here are some ideas to get you started. Also, remember that each person’s path is unique, so don’t compare yourself to anyone else. Rather, listen to your inner voice to guide you on your life path.

1. Begin seeking spiritual instruction. It doesn’t matter if it’s through a video, book, workshop, etc. The important thing is that you make the decision to start and act. The more you learn, the more you will feel your connection to the Divine.

2. Meditate daily. This will calm your mind and open up the space for synchronicity in your life.

3. Treat yourself with loving-kindness and listening to your body. Pamper yourself with a long bath and add cleansing mineral salts to reduce body tension. Look in the mirror and say “I love you” several times a day or more if you find it difficult. Also, when you need to rest, take a break from your routine. Even spending 5 minutes lying down can help.

4. Set a loving intention in the morning when you wake up. Say something extremely positive to yourself, something that makes you feel warm and giggly inside. You can start by saying, “I intend to love myself and others today.” Or you may have a specific goal to address, such as “I intend to be confident and smart in my interview.”

5. Pray before going to sleep at night. Include at least one thing you are grateful for.

6. Eat healthy foods and drink plenty of water. This will help heal your body and align it with your spiritual intentions.

7. Exercise regularly. This will also help your body maintain the higher frequency that it aims to become.

8. Laugh, sing, play and dance every day. Not only does this release hormones that make you feel good in your body, but it also brings you closer to the Source of Divine Energy that you want to attract more of in your life.

9. Free yourself from addictions in any form. The ego part of your mind distracts you with addictions and your focus and ability to generate synchronicity will multiply once you release them.

10. Ask for help. If you want to make changes and feel like you can’t, then you may want to consider seeing a therapist who will help you transform.

If you’re still a bit confused about what exactly synchronicity is, here’s an example:

Two months ago I was watching my son in his taekwondo class when I received an email from my cousin in Florida. He said that he was at the Lexus dealership in Palm Beach, FL and noticed that they had a display case to sell jewelry. He suggested that he look into selling Ishvara Jewelry at my local Lexus dealership. I thought it was a good idea and left it at that.

Then I was driving down a highway at 45 mph at dusk when I noticed later that there were dark shapes in the middle of the road and cars stopped with their hazard lights on. I slowed down and saw a man picking up a large, long haired black dog that was hit by a car and obviously seriously injured. I intuitively felt that the dog had already passed into the light and felt sadness because it brought back a childhood memory of when my sweet dog, Ruffy, was hit by a car in front of our house and died on the way to the emergency vet. As tears rolled down my cheeks, I turned on the radio to distract myself. When I heard the lyrics to the song that was playing, I realized it was referring to the old spiritual song from the south that I’m sure most people have heard, Amazing Grace. In an instant my tears turned to joy as I recognized the synchronicity of the song and its relevance to my life.

I felt like I was on cloud 9 when I got home and started making dinner. Then I was super shocked when the phone rang and it was the local Lexus dealer calling about a promotion! I felt very grateful for the synchronicity and thanked my spirit guides immensely.