Do an honest review of what your current time frame really is. What are you doing for your work time, your family time, are you everywhere or do you have a set schedule?

Do you spend time with family after you get home and then go to work on your online business? You need to analyze where your time wasters are and use that time to build your online business. Get the most out of your time.

Look for office hours that become time wasted on paperwork and that can be better spent. Find those minutes that make up the time you need to dedicate to this new business model. When it comes to working online, you are your earned boss. So indicate how many hours you are willing to invest and will dedicate to your success. Write this down and commit to it.

Schedule your day and live your day on your schedule to get the most benefits per hour.

Let’s say you attend the day as such: arrive at your office at 8:30 am, have lunch at 1:00 pm, schedule an hour to rest and run a few errands. At 5:30 pm have your dinner and family time until maybe 9:30 pm to 10:00 pm, 10 pm to 12 am this is your time for extracurricular projects. Maybe this is the time for those projects that are not your big money makers but are for personal development. This could be your study time and time to clean up some pending tasks (finishing a blog page, an article, preparing the press release)

Break up your activities so that you can schedule a few nights as training time to go through your back office media vault or whatever your program’s back office provides. Make it a point to learn and apply the materials. And if your program doesn’t provide a decent back office for training, you may be in the wrong program! My signature line directs you to review a back office full of training – a real handful and definitely more than your money’s worth!

Treat your business like a business. Also treat your online venture like your first job and never say no to yourself. Would you tell your boss no?

Remember the old saying, “Pay yourself first?” Well, this is true whether you’re talking about saving for retirement or setting up a new retirement cash flow solution using the internet as your vehicle to earn money while working from home.

Set schedules and goals. Do this for a month as a commitment. After that month, I assure you that you will have found a tremendous increase in your productivity.

Write down tomorrow night’s schedule before you go to bed. List the six most important things you need to do tomorrow.

For example, schedule yourself to write an article, post a blog, comment on a handful of different but topic-related blogs with backlinks, watch three training videos. Whatever it is you want to achieve and make it a goal that you can’t go to bed without doing these six things.

Email is a real waste of time for many of us. Allow 20-30 minutes for email responses. And remember, this is not for fun. This will steal valuable minutes that you could spend on small projects to earn money, such as articles and blogs that go out on the Internet like faithful soldiers in search of your prospects.

One hour every day for education, one hour to implement what you learned the day before (at least partially). Type your questions, then go to Google.

Keep a success journal, your goals for the day, goals accomplished, and record what’s going on in your head and the new ideas you get each day. Keep this mental journal on paper so that you can put the breadcrumbs of your education behind you on a timeline that you can go back and review, or modify in the near future. This is a wonderful ruler to measure how far you have come in your online business over time.

Create and live on your schedule, and your productivity will skyrocket.

Second, get into your goals. Your brain works through this list that you create for yourself overnight and sets you up for success the next day.

Therefore, these good habits send a message to your subconscious regarding the goals you have set out to achieve and give you the confidence to continue as you document each goal you have completed.

Rinse and repeat every day.

After a while, your goals start to grow and your subconscious tells you that you can achieve it because it is based on your achievements. Therefore, the smallest tasks are like careers that make you climb that ladder of success that you have placed for yourself.

The objectives are many and diverse. See yourself as a living global entity and schedule your personal goals, fitness goals, health goals, family goals, financial goals, business goals. Go crazy with this and see yourself excelling in more areas than you ever thought possible in a lifetime. Begin to expand from your personal achievement goals toward your social and spiritual goals, thinking in terms of your roles in society, with your friends, and in your community.

Remember, you are a multidimensional divine blessing to this world. You have been given the power to excel beyond your wildest imagination. You dictate your life and only you can determine where you end up. It is in the thoughts and beliefs that you hold in your heart and deep within your subconscious mind.

But, let’s go back to the more immediate timeline. Start small, after all, this may be a new way of looking at your life for you. This can be a new beginning to learn the art of discipline and control.

Start with your short term goals. What will you accomplish on a daily, weekly, monthly, or even quarterly schedule? Then move on to your medium and long term goals. Say, where would you like to be in the next 5 years or so?

Always remember, in five years you will always be 5 years older, but why not also be richer, smarter, more financially liberated, earning passive and residual income after breaking the ‘time for money’ mentality that prevents people pursue their highest goals? goals. What the heck, it’s the same five years, right?

Make it happen for yourself and then look over your shoulder and say: “Wow, look how far I’ve traveled, one step and one day at a time.”

Here are your brainstorming questions:

  • What do you really want?
  • Why do you want it?
  • Do you have the fire in your belly to get it?
  • What will it do for you?
  • When will you reach it?
  • What is your deadline to achieve this?
  • What will you give in exchange for this goal?

After chewing this, write a clear objective and full synopsis statement for these answers.

Don’t be freaked out. Write everything clearly and concisely and put it on many 3×5 cards where you can read them every day and night. Feel it and see it as done.

These are success habits that, once implemented, will make you much more productive as you focus on what you really want in your life.

Don’t be the tiger that goes for the kill and then forgets to eat it all. Get these statements wherever you are. The car, the bathroom mirror, next to the bed (be creative).

The first and last thing you see in your waking hour has to be this statement.

And don’t even worry about how you’ll accomplish the complex steps, just work on the final product. Your subconscious and the universe will do the rest and send you ways to achieve your goal in the easiest way.

Keep a record, record or recognition board in the form of a timeline where you record your achievements and your victories.