Everyday life makes it a challenge to appreciate the preciousness of everyday moments. However, from time to time, the beauty and special character of the moment hit us. And we momentarily realize that these moments, like when our toddlers crawl into our beds in the middle of the night, aren’t going to last forever. Eventually, these special moments with our young children will be lost in the past. And then we can only hope that we have done a good enough job so that these special moments can be relived again in our grandchildren.

You see, the present is really a precious gift. We need to be aware of that gift and create as many memories as possible. We need to practice self-awareness and metacognition. We need to work on our social-emotional intelligence so that we can more fully recognize these fleeting moments and be able to enjoy them as we are supposed to.

Every day we are watching life unfold as we watch our children grow longer and longer as our hair gets grayer too. In the midst of this growth, wisdom often accompanies our grayness. Hopefully, we’ll be more aware of these special everyday moments that are right in front of us but hard to see. You see, unfortunately, these special fleeting moments are hard to recognize sometimes because they’re wrapped up in the everyday paper of life. But regardless, hidden or not, they are still there.

But remember, these special nurturing moments are fleeting and set up to have a good time for us by allowing us to never reach them again. So, I say, let’s notice them again; let’s see them right now. And let’s enjoy them once again; let’s enjoy them right now while we can. Unfortunately, it can be too late too soon.

Now, as my grandfather always said, “Go learn, lead and pave the way to a better world for all of us. Grasp and hold the passing moments of parenting tightly. They will be great experiences and beautiful memories. And once again parents, thank you in advance for everything you do, and everything you will do…