Dreams have been described as ‘cards from the unconscious’; they are a communication from our wise and unconscious part that is inhibited and censored by our conscious mind. Dreams can tell us what we really want but are afraid to admit, and they tell us about our relationships, career, and life direction. Dreams reveal our destinies and our authentic selves and reveal our true purpose and life path.

In psychospiritual psychotherapy, we explore the images and messages of dreams to gain insight, understanding, and enrich our lives. Through group sharing, role playing, mindful dreaming, ‘holding’ the symbols and ‘continuing’ our dreams at vital points, we can acknowledge and accept the wisdom, guidance and help offered to us through dreams.

Why are dreams so important?

The ancient Vedic wisdom points out that we live our lives in a cycle of three states or conditions. They are Wakefulness, Sleep and Deep Sleep. Throughout the entirety of a human life we ​​are in one of these three conditions.

Interestingly, contemporary human beings are mostly asleep in their waking life and awake or attentive in their dreaming life. We wake up and spend time with anyone who listens to recount our dreams from the night before, because very often it is more interesting to us than what we call ‘normal’ life.

And there is a reason for this. With the decline, in the outside world, of the sacred – the realms of mythology, ritual and symbol – the ceremonies of introspection and guidance have now become internalized. When you’re asleep your guard is down, the usual inhibitors are relaxed. So that is the moment when the unconscious rises and makes itself heard.

There is yet another reason for our interest in dreams; we have become compulsively visual people. Of the five senses, sight is the most emphasized in modern society. We take in, experience and evaluate other people and the world around us mainly through visual impressions. The other senses are also important, but they are assembled around the central visual image.

We have become beings who crave visual distraction: television, video, in our pockets, in our homes and workplaces, in our cars, magazines, images of food on packaging, photography, cinematography, spectacular visual images in 3D abound. So is it any wonder that we’ve begun to experience the world as if it were some kind of Blu-ray video presentation: spectacular, overstimulating, sense-numbing, emotionally and visually invasive? By comparison, the world can seem unspectacular and pedestrian.

However, the dream world knows no limitations like those of waking life. They are truly wild. We fly, perform tremendous feats, and defy the restrictions of time, place, and normal inhibitions. Dreams seduce us with fantasies of pleasure; we can meet people we feel supernaturally close to, perceive light and clarity beyond the vividness of waking life, and perform actions and deeds that we may feel guilty or ashamed of.

What value is there in listening to what your dreams have to say?

People have dreams and ignore them when they could save their lives. Or at least inform or guide their lives. People who normally read their horoscope or ask a wise friend or family member for advice may routinely dismiss their dreams. However, the dreams they ignore possess the same wisdom they seek.

Dreams offer us a world of symbols and guidance that leads us into an intimate relationship with our dark side, that part of our psyche that we have disowned.

By learning ways to understand our dreams, we gain access to a plethora of deep unconscious wisdom that leads to inner fulfillment and personal integration.

What about dream dictionaries? Are they not enough to guide us to a valid interpretation that we can make on our own?

Dream dictionaries have their place. But much better than consulting a book that tells you what your dream means is to find out for yourself. That way you are already connecting with the deeper wisdom that is yours. Dream dictionaries tend to be overly simplistic: a sort of building block method, and by definition don’t have much to say about the dynamics, sequence, interrelationship of symbols, and deeper layers of personal meaning in your dreams.

What methods do you recommend for working with dreams?

There are many dream methods, from analytical interpretation to Gestalt, from Jungian dreaming to daydreaming, archetypal and transpersonal approaches, symbol immersion, re-entry, etc. For me, the most important aspect of listening to our dreams is essentially practical and refers to time constraints. Most of us have very little time to work on our dreams, and yet we dream every night, and for the most part, our dreams have something unique to tell us. So I think the crucial point is how to work with dreams effectively and quickly enough that we can either keep track of where our dreams direct our attention, or stay in relationship with what Arny Mindell would call the “dream body,” the aspect of our psyche that offers us dreams.

So I have devised a simple, effective and fast way to work with dreams that I teach in my workshops. At the same time, if a workshop participant has already adopted a dreamwork method, I honor them, because it seems to me that each of the various methods has something to offer.

So is it really about having a relationship with the life of your dreams?

By engaging with your dreams, you can develop a dialogue with the unconscious mind, request specific guidance, and access deep wells of wisdom. Which brings us back to square one: the three states of wakefulness, sleep, and deep sleep. The sacred syllable OM, or AUM, is the sound of the universe and is the direct experience of transcendence, manifesting as inner glow.

Breaking down AUM, the A is the waking state of consciousness, the M is the transcendent state of consciousness, and the mediating or transitional sound in between is the U, which is sleep consciousness. So dreams mediate between our waking selves and our transcendent selves.

The mythologist Joseph Campbell tells the story of a conversation he had with Jung. Jung was hiking in Africa with some friends when they came across a group of indigenous people. The lack of familiarity led to a standoff where each group seemed to be assessing what potential threat there might be. They had no way of communicating with each other. As each group relaxed and felt good with the other, a basic primitive communication emerged, and according to Jung, the sound he heard was OM…OM…OM.

This seems to me a good metaphor for our relationship with the world of dreams. At first they are threatening because they are not familiar. Then, as we develop a relationship with them, we feel an underlying unity in them and also in our relationship with them. They are really a part of us, a kind of secret, lost part that we can repossess and eventually own, making us richer in our soul life.

In our soul life instead of our ego life?

Every dream is a challenge to our sense of separateness, to our egocentric selves. The dream encourages us to bridge the gap, open communication, and resolve differences between different parts of ourselves. The result is an experience of inner unity that we radiate outward in our waking life.