All the doors that are in front of you will crash today in the name of Jesus! The gates of heaven – life, prosperity, favor, grace, opportunity, healing, and advancement open for you, while the gates of hell – opposition, failure, disappointment, enemies, disease and death will close. Yes, you cannot enter or exit without going through the doors. Everything in life is a function of doors. Decisions about life and death are made at the door. Remember that the word of God said that the battle is at hand. And that is why the Bible speaks of the gates of heaven and the gates of hell. If the doors (doors and windows) of heaven are opened for you, you will be blessed on earth. And if the gates of hell are loosed against you, my dear, you will surely need urgent divine intervention to survive or win. You are where you are today because of the activities of these doors. Thank God Jesus assured us that those razed gates of hell will not prevail against us. You should get my book The Power of Midnight Prayer for a deeper insight into the locations, operations, and powers of these two opposing gates and how their activities affect us. I called him there breaking down the doors! But here let us limit ourselves to the gates of Jericho: “Now the gates of Jericho were tightly closed because the people feared the Israelites. No one was allowed to enter or leave. But the LORD said to Joshua,” I have given you Jericho. , their king, and all their strong warriors. “Joshua 6: 1-2. Are there people like this today? Nothing good, no favors come in or go out of your life. Everything around you is stagnant.

God told Joshua and the Israelites that He had given them Jericho and everything in it, but when they approached, the wall was too high and the doors were tightly closed, firmly and firmly closed. Nothing, no one, no goods and services entered or left the city. They knew the Israelites were close by and they didn’t want to give them a chance. The enemy has made things very difficult for you because he knows and understands God’s plan for you. He listened to the divine promises for your life. He is aware of human promises and efforts to help him. He is aware of your confessions, ambitions, prayers and efforts to achieve your goal and destiny, hence his determination to thwart, block and if possible destroy you and your plans. Yes, he did the same with Jesus. He knew about Jesus’ mission and wanted Joseph to disown Marry and the baby in the womb, so they could label the child a bastard. When he was about to be born, there was no place for him except the animal’s pen. When he was finally born, the jealous and evil Herod killed hundreds of children and attacked him. But he divinely ‘escaped’. And throughout his life and ministry he struggled with the gates and powers of hell. The enemy fought to oppose, discredit and destroy it. Even on the cross, he almost lost it. When he was buried, the very gates of hell sealed his grave and mounted soldiers there, but the power of God prevailed. Thank God, he finally accomplished his mission and rose gloriously. This is also how the enemy pursues us. But today, God is saying that He has given you the keys to unlock the doors and also the power to bind and crash those who are against you.

Seven times
God told Joshua and the Israelites that they were to march around the city of Jericho once a day for six days with seven priests walking in front of the Ark, and seven times on the seventh day. OMG! There are so many things, blessings that God has given us that we must act before taking actual possession. Certain. Yes, Joshua had the divine encounter and safety with the commander of the LORD’s army, but the Israelites will still have to march in obedience. You have the prophecy, the vision, the dream, and the promise, but you must also act and do something toward that vision. And not just do something, you must act on time and in full obedience to divine instructions and plan if you want to be successful. Now, seven is the number of completion and rest. From now on you will have rest from your struggles in the name of Jesus! God rested on the seventh day of creation. Yes, we can rest here. We must not fight for life. No. God can give you rest, prosperity and victory right here. There is something divine in this number seven. And can we scratch it a bit here? Jacob was going to be seven years old so he could get the wife of his dreams, Rachel. The famine and the time of plenty in the time of Pharaoh and Joseph would be seven years each. And the king’s dreams were also seven fat cows, seven skinny cows, seven ears of corn, etc. Elijah, after the decisive battle on Mount Carmel, prayed seven times before the rain fell. You are listening? I love that meeting very much. When your prayer, sacrifice, and obedience are complete, the rain will come down in torrents. Elisha also told Naaman to immerse himself in the Jordan River seven times to cure himself of leprosy.

In that great book of Revelation, we also saw seven stars, seven angels, seven churches, seven spirits, and seven lampstands. The LORD also spoke to John from the midst of the seven golden lampstands. And what did he say? “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end …” Praise God! Seven will always reveal Jehovah’s authority, power, and sovereignty. He is in full control. The psalmist understands this and that is why he said that he will praise God seven times a day. But it is only the positive that knows the importance of this mystery. Not! The hidden, the enemy also knows. Look when the witch, the master of the occult Balaam was hired by Balak to curse and destroy the Israelites. Balaam told them to prepare seven bulls and seven rams for sacrifice. But God had to step in and save Israel. Instead of cursing and harming God’s people, the powerful witch began to bless them. Every curse, evil arrow, actions, sacrifices, plans directed at you and your family will become blessings today from today! Say a seven-day prayer and ask God to intervene in your matter. Call me to pray for you later. You will see the glory of God. Jericho’s wall fell after those seven days and yours will surely fall. Please share this message.

Gabriel is the author of the books / audiobooks: Power of Midnight Prayer, Receive Your Healing, Breaking Generational Curses: Claiming Your Freedom, Never Again !, I Shall Not Die, Move Forward, Power of Sacrifice and many others https: // www / Power-Midnight-Prayer-Gabriel-Agbo / dp / 1475273738