It’s Valentine’s Day.

Do you want to love and be loved?

Are you looking for a new love?

Or do you want to strengthen your existing love relationships with your partner, family, and friends?

A Tarot reading is a great way to celebrate this special occasion. The Tarot will give you the information, guidance and direction you need to find your true love or improve the love relationships you already have in your life.

Whether you’re reading for yourself or for others, these are the top five letters to look for in your sessions.

If you don’t want to do a reading, you can still harness the power of the Valentine’s Day Love Tarot. Just use these cards as focal points to manifest or strengthen the love in your life.

It is simple to do. Place the cards that attract you in front of you and look at them several times a day.

Know that the power of the Tarot is creating changes in your internal and external landscapes that will lead to success in your search for love.

Or place one or all of these cards on your altar, bless them, and ask the Universe to align your love life with your highest and best good.

Regardless of how you use them, these five Valentine Tarot cards will help you manifest your dreams of love for Valentine’s Day and beyond.

Let us begin.

1. The lovers

Is there anything that says more naked than the lovers letter? You really want to draw this card for your Valentine’s Day reading.

If it doesn’t appear, take it out of your deck and use it as a focal point to express love.

2. The Two of Cups

If you want to increase harmony in your relationship with your loved one, this is the card for you. It will help make this happen.

3. Ace of Cups

Do you want to find love again? Or are you looking for a fresh start with an existing relationship? Let the Ace of Cups show you the way.

Aces have to do with the potential for new beginnings. Let the Ace of Cups fuel your love life.

4. Four of Wands

Are you tired of the wild, crazy and dysfunctional love roller coaster? So the four of wands is the card you want.

Peace, serenity, security and commitment: everything is here, within four strong walls. The Four of Wands is ready to help you get there.

5. The Empress

The Empress is a hot mom.

The Queen of Queens, the Empress is the last Alpha Woman. She is telling you to claim and use your feminine power for love.

She is also beautiful and sensual. She says it’s time to let your Inner Sexy out and about. Go for it!

That is all. I wish you success in using these cards to express love and enjoy the loving relationships in your life.

Happy Valentines Day!

Inanna XO