Flood damage can be extensive and expensive. It is not always covered by home insurance policies, so it is recommended that households and businesses take some simple but effective precautions to minimize the risk of their facilities and keep costs to a minimum.

Businesses must also have an effective plan to stay operational if disaster strikes; otherwise, outgoing costs will skyrocket and incoming payments will cease. In an average year, DEFRA and the Environment Agency (EA) estimate that the cost incurred per flooded business in English ranges from £ 75,000 to £ 112,000.

Here are some of the best tips to help ensure minimal flood distress on your property.

Minimize risk

1. Know your situation – If you don’t know whether or not you are at risk of flooding, find out. People always say, “I never thought this kind of thing would happen to me.” Investigate the risk, if there is a possibility of it happening to you, be prepared for it. The Environment Agency monitors UK flood risk and issues warnings to areas in danger of flooding. Sign up for EA Floodline to receive flood advisories.

2. Plan – If you don’t have physical flood protection, you may need to evacuate and this will need to be monitored and organized safely. Companies could modify an existing fire escape strategy. Make sure you have a flood emergency response plan and an emergency response team. Appoint a flood watchdog to show staff where the plan is kept along with a list of key contact numbers. Consider preparing a flood kit that can be stored in a location where staff members can easily access it if the property is flooded.

3. It is a good idea for companies to have a continuity plan to facilitate continued operational efficiency. Modern technology makes it easy to run a portable business. You can move to another property (perhaps a room in the business owner’s home), or at least have a scaled-down operation up and running for the duration of the flood. Homeowners can modify these guidelines to ensure that they can effectively care for their families if they are caught in the floods.

Four. Have a flood action plan – have sandbags or a flood barrier to help keep water out, know who is in charge of doors, windows, drains and vents, who will be responsible for tracking the condition flood, have an exit strategy and a list of contacts where you could stay in the worst case scenario, as well as your local support phone numbers. Also have a family flood kit, which contains some essentials, especially for children, and be sure to take your laptop and mobile phone, as these could be essential for learning more about extreme weather conditions and staying in contact with people. that might help. For businesses and households alike, it is vital to ensure that someone is appointed to cut off all gas and electricity.

5. Are you protected? – Check insurance policies to see if you are covered for flood damage. Only a small percentage of people in high-risk flood areas know whether their insurance covers water damage. If you can keep the water out, this is better than repairing the damage. Look at the simple preventative steps you can take, like portable flood barriers.

Flood damage reduction

1. Shut down and relocate – Relocate high-value items, critical records, and electronic equipment to upper floors. If it is safe to do so, move essential vehicles to higher ground. Unplug all electrical appliances and cut off gas supply to reduce the risk of fire.

2. Hold back dangerous water – Floodwaters are often contaminated with biological hazards (sewage, medical waste, animal and carcass waste) or other hazardous materials (fuels, asbestos, agricultural chemicals, etc.). Flood-damaged buildings can also have damp areas where mold, fungus, and other organisms thrive. Close manual valves on drain pipe to prevent backflow through floor drains or plumbing fixtures. Check roof, floor, or yard drains are clean.

3. Document any damage – Take photos of damage, both to property and its contents, for insurance claims. Notify insurers of damage and schedule restoration work.