Can you get the car of your dreams using a Vision Board?

Absolutely! A few years ago I made a vision board for my husband as he wanted an exotic sports car called the Ford GT. I created the board for him and, as always, added the written statement I refer to as the “cosmic insurance policy”: “this or something better manifests for me now, for the highest good of all involved.” The expiration date he had written on the board was “in December 2003,” and it came and went.

When we missed the date, instead of leaving the vision board on the wall, I removed it and hid it.

Why? Because the subconscious mind has well and truly imprinted the image and is working towards the goal. Leaving the board with the date on it would be a trigger and a reminder that the target was “missed”. This is difficult for people to bear and is a recipe for undoing the law of attraction and the forces that have been set in motion with the Vision Board.

Since the intention had been set, the best thing we could do was allow the Universe to bring it to us at the right and perfect time.

In March 2004, just 3 months after the expiration date was missed, my husband became the proud owner of… no, not a Ford GT, but a Lotus Elise, a fast sports car that he loved to drive. . He still thought he wanted a Ford GT, but now he was willing to wait until the prices came down and in the meantime he enjoyed, no, LOVES driving the Elise or “go-cart” as it’s often called, due to its excellent performance. . low to the ground, hard to flip quality and just because it’s so much fun.

Then in 2005 by surprise, or we know better by the law of attraction, my husband found another “bargain” and bought a Panoz Esperante, the same make of car that Joe Vitale has in his car collection. Joe Vitale is in the hit movie “The secret”, is an Internet marketing expert, author of “too many books to mention” and masterfully demonstrates the law of attraction.

Does it matter that we didn’t get exactly what we had on the Vision Board?

Not because? Because we actually got twice the fun for less money. We are always open to the “something better” part of the cosmic insurance policy, “this or something better, manifest now, for the highest good of all.” And, because we are open to allowing abundance to flow from the Universe, we know that what appears is the best and that the final choice is in our hands.

We all have maximum freedom of choice.

Waiting for the perfect moment when the object or our desires (in the images on the vision board) actually appear, either by divine providence, coincidence, or well-planned and focused action (often referred to as “hard” work). ) or accept the gifts the Universe brings before the finish line and trust that what appears may not be exactly what is on the board, but the feelings you have and the joy you experience are the same and what you get, possibly be even better than you thought you wanted.

Consider this principle and let me know how it works for you.

Enjoy your vision board images, your visions and manifest the wonderful journey of your life.