It is not easy to be a good father. The responsibility of a father should not be abandoned. Children can be annoying at times, but there are effective methods a parent can use to raise their children. Here are some tips that will make you the best dad in the world!

Create time for your children

A good father will always have time for his children. As children grow they go through different stages and it is very important that you are there to help them. Plan family trips with your children, never forget to be present at special events like your child’s graduation or a live performance event. It is important to teach them some important life lessons, other than that you can help them learn how to ride a bike, teach them how to spread their beds and when the time is right you can teach them how to drive. Play with them, have fun with them and they will certainly love you.


A good father must ensure that the discipline of his children is always under control. Punishment is necessary when a child has made a mistake, this will let him know that everything he has done is wrong and the punishment was a consequence of his actions. The type of punishment should be reasonable, not one that hurts them physically or emotionally.

Never yell or yell at children, this will only make them afraid of you and avoid you, or worse, stop communicating with you. To the extent that you punish them for their mistakes, you should also recognize their good deeds and achievements and reward them for it and encourage them to keep it up.


As a parent, you need to understand that your children are not you and that they have their own ideas. Their opinions, views and wishes may not necessarily be the same as yours and you must accept and acknowledge them. Be open and flexible to changes in time and environment. Let your children be citizens of their time and age.

You need to understand every situation your child is going through and help him or her cope with it. You must accept their imperfections, accept their mistakes and help them overcome them. Don’t push them so hard with expectations they can’t meet.

Be their role model

As a parent, you must set a good example for your children. Lead by example, what you do not want them to do, do not do it yourself, otherwise you will end up being a hypocrite. It is important that you help your wife with housework, you must respect and love your wife. Children are likely to pick up on the message of love and respect and imitate it. By publicly admitting your own mistakes and accepting correction, you’ll be helping your children see the importance of this, so they’ll grow up knowing it’s okay to accept correction if they make mistakes.