Tool #1 – Prayer Beads

Using prayer beads can help focus your mind on specific mantras and/or prayers used during your meditations. Making your own chain of prayer beads is simple. Use beads that have special meaning to you or that appeal to you. String them along a colored thread that resonates with you and tie off the two ends, creating a circular strand of beads. For each bead, designate a certain prayer or mantra. As you begin your meditation, focus your mind on the specific saying designated for each bead. This exercise gives you a physical focal point for your mind, which can be helpful for those new to meditation practices.

Tool #2 – Gemstones

Every element on this earth, including us, carries within and around it an electrical charge and a harmonic frequency. Using gemstones that originate from within the earth can help shift our frequencies from the intellectual state to the meditative state. Gemstones open the energetic channels within the body, allowing us to be fully open to the receptive nature of meditation. While there are many different stones that can be used, some great ones for beginners are an amethyst held in the left hand, a clear quartz crystal held in the right, and an opal placed over the third eye. This combination of stones balances and grounds the electrical polarities of the body while opening our spiritual vision abilities.

Tool #3 – Music

The use of music can be a powerful meditation tool for beginners. Music instantly creates a calm and relaxed response within the body, as well as helping the intellectual mind to gently withdraw so that one can enter the meditative state. Finding the right music is essential. Music that is positive, non-intrusive, and designed to balance the mind and body is your best bet. Now there is music specifically designed to harmonize the two hemispheres of the brain. This has an incredible effect on people when used during meditation, allowing for a deeper experience. Music infused with sounds of nature, chanting, crystal and/or Tibetan singing bowls are also popular choices for meditation.