If you want to become a model, there are two main routes to getting a job. One is to sign with an agency and the other is to be self-employed. There are advantages and disadvantages to both, and in this article we will look at how you can promote yourself to sign with an agency and then become one of their leading models and also how you can go it alone as a freelancer.

Promote yourself as an agency model

If you are going to be an agency model, the first thing you have to do is sign. Start by researching a few different agencies, reading up on the companies, what kind of models they take in their books, and studying their guidelines for submission. It is important to choose carefully which agencies you will apply to in order to give yourself the best chance of success.

If you are lucky enough to be invited for an interview, go with a professional attitude and be honest and try to stay relaxed.

Once you’ve signed on, there’s a lot you can do to help your modeling agency promote you and the more you play the part, the better your chances of success. Treat every casting and modeling job as a networking experience, try to talk to the right people, and be helpful and nice to everyone, but don’t overdo it or seem desperate.

You can also take a personal interest in your portfolio and the business side, learning what you need to know to make it as easy as possible for your agent to work with you, which means you’re more likely to be proposed for casting calls more often.

Promote yourself as a freelance model

Self promotion is even more important if you are going to be an independent model. Elements of your marketing plan should include your portfolio, a website, your Comp card, and networking.

The portfolio is the center of a model’s assets and helps him get a job. You should have a good variety of high-quality images, showing the versatility and experience of the model. The more work the model has had, the larger and therefore the more persuasive the portfolio will be. E-portfolios and microsites are the latest way that aspiring models can promote themselves over the Internet. These days, many customers will also expect to see a portfolio online, in the form of a website with images of the portfolio and details of the model’s stats, experience, and availability. These websites can also link to models’ social media profiles to maximize their online exposure.

Offline, a comp card is basically a business card with a selection of the best images, plus basic stats and contact details for the model. On top of this, you can really boost your career by getting in front of the right people and making contact in the industry, who will then recommend you by word of mouth.